Ralph's first fish of the morning! |
Had an amazing day on the water with client and friend Ralph T. at Cheesman Canyon! We started the morning out nymphing and landed some beautiful 16-18 inch rainbows and browns. Nymphs/emergers of choice were Barr's Emerger PMD in a size 18, and a small Trico Emerger size 24 that I tie that is yet to be named. Barr's Emerger picked up the most fish while indicator fishing.
Between 8:30-9:00 a.m. is when things really started to get interesting. Trico Duns littered the water and some very large fish were coming up to them. In between the usual break-offs that happen while using 6x tippet Ralph managed a few more fish in the 16" category and two very nice Cheesman fish on a size 22 Snowshoe Dun. As per the norm after the spinner fall finished and the sun got high in the sky the fishing slowed down, but anything after the type of morning we had wasn't going to excite. Ralph even admitted that it was his best day of fishing ever, and who can blame him! 18-20+ inch fish on dry flies in Cheesman Canyon isn't anything to scoff at! I'm feeling so blessed to be able to work with people and teach fishing! Thanks again Ralph!
One of two nice fish he landed on a size 22 dry fly! |
A closer look at that brown dun eater. |
Ralph's second fish on a 22 dry! |