Photo of yesterday's clients, brothers Don and Richard. |
Just got done with back to back to back guide trips, and had a great time! As many of you probably know the flows this spring have been low and fluctuating. For the last couple of weeks it seems like 11 Mile Canyon has been the most consistent in terms of fishing and flows so that is where we spent the last 3 days. In a combined 16 hours spread out across 3 days of fishing between 5 clients we landed roughly 42-45 trout with flows sitting somewhere around 100 cubic feet per second.
Most of our fish came in the morning during good midge hatches. In fact, the bite dies off so drastically at noon that I never had to look at my watch to know when it was mid-day. 6x tippet and small split shot are still important because the water is so clear, and it is equally as important as it gets later in the day that you set on everything. If your indicator hesitates or turns set. There weren't a whole lot of fish rising mostly because there hasn't been much of a hatch the last three days with the exception of morning midges. A few Baetis were hatching in the early afternoon but not enough to get fish up and keep them there.
The spots we fished that were the most productive were the Two Tunnels, the Road Hole, and below the dam. Flies that produced were JuJu Bee Midges size 22, Olive and Brown Mojo midges size 22, and Barr's Emergers BWO size 22. My advice for anyone fishing solo is to start with these flies as part of a tandem nymph rig in the morning, and then eat a good lunch around noon, and spend the rest of the day throwing small Elk Hair Caddis and BWO Vis-a-duns trying to pull a few fish up to the surface, and cover a lot of water. Don't get stuck fishing in one spot.
Don with his first Snake River Cutty. |
Richard Casting. |