Another fishing season has come and gone and it is time for all us last minute shoppers to buy that special angler in our life something they will actually like (not including grandma's sweater) for Christmas. This is not my personal wish list but if you want to make a non tax deductable gift donation to Jon Kleis's troutbum fund you can leave any item on this list at my drop box at Anglers Covey Fly Shop on the corner of highway 24 and 21st Street... I tried to cover all the bases and include gift ideas that will earn the gift giver respect and admiration.

If there is one fly rod on the planet that most dedicated anglers could possibly want from Santa it is Sage's new model that is literally named the "One". Sage's One is an incredibly light and fast action rod sporting their new technology called Konnetic. This new tech makes the rod one of the most accurate I have ever casted. The 9 foot 4 weight One has the perfect balance of power and finesse and would be a great all around rod for fishing in Colorado.
Package that new One fly rod with the new Orvis Access mid arbor reel. In 2011 Orvis replaced the old Battenkill mid arbor with the Access. It is essentially the same reel only they bored a few more holes in it to make it noticeably lighter, and added a few more washers to the drag system to increase strength. The drag system itself is completely sealed which helps keep out debris and protect it from the elements.
Next on the list is the Simms Windstopper fleece jacket. If you haven't noticed yet the Colorado Rockies get cold. One of the most important things you can remember when dealing with the ever changing elements in our great state is to dress in layers, and this jacket would serve as an excellent outer shell for those of you brave enough to face the legendary winds in Park county for the pursuit of trout. Ladies if you're reading this I bet your man would much rather have this Simms jacket than that little number you picked out at Macy's.

Sticking with the Simms theme, the next item on my Santa's wish list is the new Boa wading boot. Simms and a few other companies have taken ski boot technology and put it into wading boots which makes them insanely easy to get in and out of. I like the Simms version best because I am a huge fan of the Vibram sole that they put on their boots. It gives you a sturdy platform to walk on and the tread has many biting edges to help keep you from taking a cold swim in the Arkansas river. With the option to add cleats this is a great and affordable Christmas gift.
For the fly tyer in your life HMH vises are some of the best you can buy anywhere. They are simple and efficient, and made with quality in mind. You can get them with either a pedestal base or c-clamp for attaching to a table. The majority of the vice is composed of stainless steel, and has one point for angle adjustment. The midge jaws sold seperately are the best I have seen available for any vise in the market.
Next on the fly tyers list is the entire line of Oasis fly tying benches. If you are like me and despite all your efforts you have issues keeping your tying station clean and organized then highly consider these. Save yourself a lot of hair and hassle by keeping every tool you can imagine along with everything else in its place and right in front of you with these gorgeous benches.
A good stocking stuffer for the holidays is a solution to epoxy called Clear Cure Goo. It doesn't actually cure and harden until it gets hit with a U.V. light. Sunlight or the U.V. light sold in the kit or sold seperately will work. My biggest complaint about using epoxy aside from the short window for using it after you have mixed it is the smell of the compound. Clear Cure Goo smells like tree sap which I think smells great. I've been tying with it for almost a full season and I can assure you it is a viable substitute for epoxy and the kit would make a great gift.

Last but not least for stocking stuffers we have Scientific Anglers System X fly boxes. They are double sided and completely sealed when shut making them waterproof. They come with pre-slit foam and are a great all around fly box for the money. They have clear shells so you can see your flies making it easier to see which side you need to open to grab your Caddis or Stonefly imitation. Some System X boxes also come with little compartments that are great for holding things such as strike indicators. Ask most anglers and they will tell you that you can never have enough fly boxes. Take it to another level this Christmas and fill that new box with flies and watch that special someone light up like a tree at the Broadmoor.
I hope this helps at least one person that is lost and looking for a great gift idea for the holidays. Please remember that the best way to support our economy is to keep it local, and even though many big chain stores would like the entire month of December to be cyber Monday we have the country's largest pure fly shop right here in Colorado Springs in Anglers Covey so please show your support.
If you have a flyfisher that you are convinced has everything you can always give the gift of a guided flyfishing trip or class. For trip availability and rates if interested shoot me an email at Tight Lines and Happy Holidays!