Monday, June 11, 2012

Learn How To Tye The Hybrid Hopper!

My two favorite attractor dry flies on the planet are the Parachute Hopper and the Stimulator.  To this day it is impossible to find a more realistic hopper imitation than Schroeder's Parachute.  Like many people I have only ever had one complaint about this pattern.  The wing on the Parachute Hopper is made from mottled turkey feather that falls apart and absorbs water after only landing a few fish.  The obvious solution is to change the wing material.  Other changes I made to the design were to use the hook (TMC 200R) and the thorax of a Stimulator.  

Tying a parachute is a time consuming step so I figured why not simplify the parachute hopper and lose the chute.  I also love the contrast between brown hackle and any bright colored dubbing used as an under body.  It is for this reason that I combined the two patterns to make the Hybrid Hopper.  Making the abdomen and legs similar to the Parachute Hopper, and a wing and thorax similar to the Stimulator.  My advice to all you trout bums is to sleep in late on your next day off.  Show up anywhere on the South Platte river after 2pm with a dozen of these, and take your time wadering up.  Maybe even have a chat with one of the many early birds that are now calling it a day.  Then spend the rest of your afternoon pounding the bank and covering water while you have the entire river to yourself.  I promise it will be one of the best trips you do all year!  Tight Lines!         


  1. Thanks John! I have been wanting to tie some of these. Also, thanks for the fishing suggestions, I might give it a try this Friday.

  2. No problem Bruce! Were gonna get together and get after some carp soon too man! Shoot me a message and let me know what days you have and we'll get it worked out.
