Saturday, June 9, 2012

Kleis's Korner Gear Review - Half Hitch Mag Bobbin

One of the most convenient tying tools I have bought in the last 6 months is the Half Hitch Mag Bobbin by the Rite Bobbin company.  The tube is made out of thick surgical stainless steal and comes to a slight taper at the business end.  This taper makes it easier to use the end of your bobbin as a half hitch or whip finish tool.  I almost always use a whip finish knot so I haven't tried doing the half hitch with this bobbin. Where the Mag Bobbin really shines is when you want to do a whip finish when tying dry flies such as a Parachute Adams.  This technique makes it extremely easy to slip a properly tied whip finish knot under your parachute wing without catching any hackle fibers.

On the steal tube there is a series of rubber washers that work as a grip that feels great in the hand.  Tip: always take the bobbin out of the package before you buy it and see how it feels in your hand.  Comfort is extremely important when you're sitting in front of the vice.  The rubber washers also double as a thread holder so your thread doesn't slip back through the tube when you have finished tying or when you're moving stuff around.  The end of the steal tube is rounded off really well which is great for being able to apply tension without breaking the thread.  Tension is easily added by turning the screw dial on the side of the thread rest.

I love the fact that the bobbin only has one arm which is the steal tube.  Most bobbins have two arms, and the moment you lose thread tension on a tradition bobbin your thread jumps over either side forcing you to take it off to untwist it.  This is one of the more frustrating and time consuming issues when tying because more often then not you are forced to start your thread from scratch.  The Rite Bobbins design helps eliminate that annoyance. I've been tying for a while now and I literally can't find anything I would do different with the Mag Bobbin.  And as if you needed any more reason to purchase this product, they are also made in Montana.  Take my word for it these are worth a spin!

Check out the video provided by Rite Bobbin to see this thing in action!

For more great products from this American company check out their website

Tight Lines and Threads!

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