Monday, November 26, 2012

Snow Dance

Anyone who has been paying attention knows that we have been experiencing serious drought here in Colorado. If this drought continues we face a drastic blow to our economy. Colorado relies heavily on the money that comes from it’s outdoor industries; skiing, climbing, hiking, and fishing are all affected by dry weather.

Ask the fish what they think about our gorgeous 70 degree days in November and they will tell you, “I don’t have room to swim because the rivers are so low!”. Colorado’s snow pack reports are bleak, and many of our reservoirs are only 50 percent full. I recently got a fishing report from a fly shop in Almont, and they said that you’re literally walking a mile in spots that should be covered in water to gain fishing access at Blue Mesa Reservoir because it’s so low.

Blue Mesa is a sobering example of why we desperately need a snowy winter! Not just to make the skiers happy, but also to maintain a healthy fish population. I propose we all gather at Memorial Park and do a snow dance for the well being of our great state. It might mean a few less sunny and 70 days, but I think we all kinda miss the snow anyway. That is a sacrifice we are willing to make.   


  1. Come on, it's the Season. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! I am not much of a dancer, but, maybe I could sing a little.

  2. That song has never been more appropriate for the holidays than this season!
